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reflected image中文是什么意思

用"reflected image"造句"reflected image"怎么读"reflected image" in a sentence


  • 反射图像
  • 反射像
  • 反射象
  • 反射影像
  • 反映像
  • 反映象


  • Internet privacy is privacy existing in internet or coming forth during the course of personal internet activities , which is a reflected image of real privacy on internet
  • Even if he doesn ' t recognize himself yet in a reflected image in a portion of a mirror , he will still have fun misting up the glass , making faces , disappearing and then reappearing in the reflecting surface , looking inside to see if there is someone there
  • By means of processing of testing data , we got high frequency tomography velocity imaging and very high frequency stacking imaging of reflects . we use crosswell tomography imaging and reflect imaging compares with sound wave , density logging and lithology analysis to complete the interpretation of crosswell seismic data result
    具体内容包括原始资料编辑和井口排列规格化、初至拾取、估算速度模型、 vsp - cdp成像、 p波二维层析成像和p - p波反射剖面叠加等,论文中给出了详细的处理流程。
  • 2 . analyze the designing method of each part for fms according to its logical structure and build up the system under the guidance of this method . the machine vision system is composed of a ccd camera , an image grab card , a light source and a personal computer . the system acquires the no - reflecting image by the ccd camera and image capture card , sent it to the computer to process
    2 、按照机器视觉系统的逻辑结构,分析各部分的设计方法,并在此方法的指导下本文建立了由ccd工业相机、图像采集卡、光源和pc机组成的机器视觉系统,系统通过ccd和图像采集卡获取被识别零件的二维图像数据,将其送入计算机,经过图像预处理和图像识别分析,实现了对零件的自动识别。
用"reflected image"造句  
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